To create optimal player development environments and provide local youth prospects the best chance of reaching the professional level, all league-approved USL Academy programs are required to meet a set of minimum standards across a series of categories listed below.
All clubs participating in USL Academy must clearly define and state their club identity on the sporting side and overall philosophy surrounding their player development strategies. This are driven by three key components that each club must establish in writing:
Established Culture Vertical Integration Player Development Philosophy Holistic Plan Model of Play Long-Term Strategic Plan |
Establishing a technical staff for each USL Academy program is incredibly important, with key roles needing to be filled immediately, and others highly-recommended. In some cases, clubs can utilize existing senior team staff members to fill these roles, especially if it helps further drive vertical integration between the senior team and youth levels.
Technical staff |
Support staff |
Required |
Staff Registration Sporting/Technical Director Academy Head Coach Goalkeeper Coach |
Athletic Trainers Team Administrator |
Recommended |
Sporting/Technical Director as a Dedicated Role Player Development Coach (Assistant Coach) |
Operations Administrator Fitness Staff Youth Soccer Director Wellness Staff Communications Coordinator |
All USL Academy programs must follow a defined set of rules around how the professional pathway is constructed for proper development, ensuring they meet specific requirements across the below areas:
USL Senior Team Alignment Youth Network Activity Plan Individual Development Plans (IDP) |
All USL Academy programs must follow a defined set of rules around how the team is formed, ensuring they meet specific requirements across the below areas:
Team Formation – Roster Compliance USL Academy LeagueRoster Rules USL Academy Cup Roster Rules |
USL Academy clubs must create strategic plans that focus on various aspects of their players' lives, from injury prevention to DEI initiatives.
Injury Prevention/Rehab Plan Peak Performance Plan Educational Support Plan Pro Team Integration Diversity, Equality, & Inclusion Initiatives SafeSport Compliance |
Character Development Program Nutrition Plan Mental and Psychological Health Program |
All USL Academy programs must ensure the facilities that their players and opposing teams utilize for training & official league matches meet a set of standards across the following categories:
Training Environment |
Game Day Standards |
Required |
Training Pitch |
Preferred Visiting Team Hotel(s) USL Hotel Booking Partner Game Day Equipment Game Day Facility Presentation/Signage |
Recommended |
Training Pitch Contingency Gym Space Shared Youth/Pro Space(s) Treatment Space Classroom Space |
Stadium Experience Away Games Travel Game Day Photography Sr. Team Game Day Access |
All USL Academy programs must have adequate quantity and quality of the appropriate equipment within their training environment. These include but are not limited to: balls, cones, bibs, goals (various sizes), hydration products, uniform attire for staff & players, etc. Beyond these required items, clubs are encouraged to identify additional resources, equipment, and technology that can be used to enhance the developmental experience of their players. These could include but are not limited to: filming all games and training sessions from a high-angle camera for video analysis, biometric testing, heart-rate monitors, GPS trackers, etc.
Basic Training Equipment Filming & Video Analysis |
Wearable Tracking Devices Match/Performance Analysis |
All USL Academy programs are required to have a certain amount of the player’s participation expenses (i.e. coaching, facilities, uniforms, travel, etc.) at least partially subsidized. As clubs assess to what extent they are able to do this, the following must be taken into consideration:
Participation Fee Limit Affiliate Collaboration |
Player Scholarships Partner Considerations Free-Play Model |
For complete details on all of these standards and the overall application process for the USL Academy competitions, please contact USL personnel below.
Liam O'Connell
Technical Director, Men's Pathway
Carrie Taylor
Technical Director, Women's Pathway
For questions & to discuss USL Academy further, please contact USL personnel below.
Liam O'Connell
Technical Director, Men's Pathway
Carrie Taylor
Technical Director, Women's Pathway